Monday, May 18, 2015

Crazy Easter Eggs in Video Games!!!-Pt 2

6. Gears of War 3|Gold Chicken
During Act 1-1, when you get to the deck area with the first COG Tag, there are four large cylindrical pipes on the sides of the area (two on either side) and yell into each of them. Once you do, a chicken will pop out. You cannot kill this chicken, but if you shoot it enough it will become a giant gold fire-breathing chicken that, well you're gonna have to kill or run from.

Only when you start laying golden eggs!!!

7. Halo 3| Monkey Family
Microsoft Studio's put a lot of effort to weird us out this time!

During the first mission close by where Sergeant Johnson reports that his Pelican was shot down. Entering the jungle, if the player moves to the left they will come across some rocks, with a final large rock at the end. If the player navigates through, they can crouch under a ledge to see the first cavemen. These cavemen all have different sizes; the largest appears to be holding a stuffed bear. The next Caveman can be located on a cliff where the player rescues Sergeant Johnson. He can be viewed using a sniper rifle or binoculars, and can be reached in co-op mode with two players. This Caveman is the same size as the largest from the family, but it is unknown why he is separated from the group.
Archivo:It s a member of that Monkey family from Halo 3 977a2a9bc3e31b8ff60bbc1dc81ab4d8.jpg


8. Mortal Kombat|Toasty
At first it was an inside joke between the creators of the game, but ended up in Mortal Kombat and supposedly was found very funny by the fans, and very weird... The picture shows Dan Forden, an image and sound designer, when the player performed a powerful uppercut, Dan Forden's face appearing in the lower-right corner of the screen, and saying "Toasty!" in a falsetto voice. It also made its way into other mortal Kombat games; still made us gamers scratch our heads and say: "What the hell?" though.

9. Metal Gear Solid 1|Reads your files

When you meet Psycho Mantis, the game looks through your memory card for saves from other Konami games. Mantis will then make comments referencing those games. For instance, if you have a ISS Soccer saved game, then he'll mention that you seem to like playing soccer, and so on.

The following game saves (and probably some others) provoke responses:
Castlevania: Symphony Of The Night
Silent Hill 
ISS Soccer

This also occurs in later versions and sequels, including the GameCube version.
You think this egg is cool, don't you?

10. Hitman absolution|Ice Cream Corpse Launch.

In the previous mission, Agent 47 kidnapped Lenny "The Limp" Dexter, son of antagonist, Blake Dexter. The scene begins with Lenny digging a hole in the middle of the desert, with 47 leaning against his car eating an apple, questioning Lenny about Victoria's location. Once Lenny gives up the information, 47 tosses the apple and instructs him to start walking.
47 has a variety of ways to take Lenny out. But driving off and leaving Lenny alive will earn you an achievement/trophy - titled "Not Worth It" - with the additional bonus of listening to dialogue from Lenny.
There are a total of five vultures in the mission. In order to trigger the easter egg, they need to be forced into the air by running close to them. After all five are in the air, shoot them down, and look off in the distance southwest of the car. If Lenny is still alive, he will step into the truck's path and get hit by it.

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